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Bull Riding is one of, if not the most, recognizable event that occurs at rodeos. Those cowboys must stay on the bull for 8 seconds while hanging on with only one hand that is tied into what is called a bull rope, using rosin to help keep their grip. The cowboy and bull are both judged with 50 points being the max either can get. The score that is announced is their combined score (a maximum of 100 points). These cowboys are not required to spur as in the other roughstock events, but they will receive points for doing so.

Saddle Bronc Riding was developed many years ago as a competition between cowhands to see who could stay on top of untrained horses the longest, and has now become one of the most recoginized events in rodeo. The cowboys sit in a simple saddle and hang onto a rope attached to the horse's halter. The goal is to stay on top of the horse for the full 8 seconds needed while keeping their spurring action in time with the bucking of the horse.

Bareback Riding was developed in the rodeo arena and produces some of the most exciting and wildest events in rodeo. Cowboys get on the backs of untrained horses with nothing to hang onto but their rigging (a handle made of leather and rawhide). They attempt to stay on for 8 seconds while spurring in time with the bucking action of the horse. They are disqualified if they touch the animal or rigging with their freehand before the eight seconds are up or their do not "mark out" (the rider must have their feet above the shoulders of the horse until after the horse's feet are on the ground after it's first jump).
Steer Wrestling requires more than just strength, the cowboys must also understand the principle of leverage so they can take the several hundred pound steer to the ground. The cowboy cannot leave the box until the barrier (the rope strung across the front of the box) is released, which allows the steer to have a small advantage. If the barrier is broken (the cowboy leaves the box to soon) the cowboy receives a 10-second penalty. The steer wrestler (or bulldogger) must catch up and use his leverage to wrestle the steer to the ground so that all four feet are off the ground.
Team Roping is unique in the fact that it has two cowboys competing together for a shared time. The first cowboy, known as the header, must first rope the steer either by the horns, around its neck or "half-head" which is around one horn and the neck. After this he turns the steer so the second cowboy, known as the heeler, can catch the feet. If he is only able to catch one foot, then they receive a five second penalty. Time stops once the two riders are facing each other.
Barrel Racing is a timed event where speed matters most. Cowgirls compete in the arena against the clock and each other. Barrel racing is about cooperation between horse and rider.
Barrels are set up at three specific arena locations. Cowgirls enter the arena at full speed, quickly rounding each barrel in a cloverleaf pattern and then exiting the arena where they entered. An electronic timer records the ride to a hundredth of a second. Because speed equates to a winning time, riders steer their horses as close to the barrels as possible, attempting to shave precious seconds off the clock. For each barrel knocked over a 5 second penalty is assessed to the cowgirl’s total time. Leaving the barrels standing and ripping through the course is every barrel racer's goal. These cowgirls ride with skill, grit and determination.

Breakaway Roping rules are like any roping event, the calf will be given a head start which is determined by the size of the arena. Once the barrier is released, the cowgirl must throw a loop around the calf's neck and stop her horse immediately. Her rope is tied to the saddle horn with a breakaway string. When the running calf reaches the end of the rope, the rope is pulled tight and the string breaks. The breaking of the string marks the end of the fun. The fastest time wins.

Tie-down Roping was once known as calf roping, and is the classic ranch chore of the old west, and now one of the most competitive of rodeo events.
Tie-down ropers begin in the roping box. The calf is released from a chute and the cowboy must rope it as quickly as possible. Like team roping, the calf is given a head start and if the barrier is broken too quickly the cowboy is penalized ten seconds. As soon as the catch is made the cowboy dismounts, sprints to the calf and tosses it on its side (called flanking). Using a small rope known as a pigging string, usually held in the cowboy's teeth, any three of the calf's legs are then securely tied. Time stops when the cowboy throws up his hands. Sound easy? It’s not over yet.
After the tie, the roper remounts his horse, puts slack in the rope and waits 6 seconds for the calf to try to free itself. If it does, the cowboy receives a “no time” and is disqualified from the round. If the calf remains tied the cowboy receives his time.
Tie-down roping requires timing, speed, agility, strength, and a well trained horse. Horses in the tie-down play a major role in the success of the competitor. They are trained to know when to start walking backward, keeping the rope taught without dragging the calf and allowing the cowboy to do his business on the other end. It is amazing to watch as cowboy and horse compete together in this modern sporting event.

Mutton Bustin' is a fun time for everyone. Kids ride on the back of sheep and compete to see who can hang on the longest. Eligible ages are 4-7 years of age and a weight limit of 60 pounds.
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